When the next newsletter will be sent?

Newsletters will be sent out through email the 1st an 15th of each month. Past newsletters will be posted to the website.

When is the submission deadline?

To keep things running smoothly, we greatly prefer submissions be done no later than the 22nd of each month. This allows us to schedule your event on social media, add it to our calendar, and ensure we have time to add it to the newsletter which goes out on the 1st.

What are we allowed to submit? And who is allowed to submit?

We gladly welcome events, news, programs, opportunities, and activities that are veteran-focused all across the state of Arizona. We also accept light news that is Veteran focused and can lift spirits and bring us all some joy, as well as questions you'd like to ask other veterans and/or answers to questions from the previous newsletter.

Veteran groups and organizations, veterans themselves, caregivers... pretty much anyone can submit to the newsletter, and we welcome you to do so! Just remember that your submission mus be veteran-focused and veteran-positive.

We do not allow anything that is political, as the UAV must remain non-partisan.